Sleep Close and Fast, 2019

01/09/2019 - 31/07/2020

Susan Philipsz

Sleep Close and Fast, 2019


The thought of Sleep Close and Fast, 2019, a single channel sound installation, is born after Susan heard that the barrels of wine at Quetzal have music played to them when they are resting.

Susan Philipsz : “I thought this was a beautiful idea and I immediately thought of singing a lullaby to the barrels.”

From September 2019 - July 2020, a special presentation of five recorded lullabies from cult films, operas and literature is sung by the artist and played through the existing speaker system in the wine cellar every two minutes.

Recorded lullabies: Elias Lönnrot, The Kanteletar, 1840 (Lullaby) Roman Polanski, Rosemary’s Baby, 1968 (Sleep, Safe and Warm) Alexis Kivi, Seven Brothers, 1870 (Song of my Heart) Robin Hardy, The Wicker Man, 1973 (Lullaby) Engelbert Humperdink, Hansel and Gretel, 1893 (Evening Prayer)

Susan Philipsz in barrel room at Quinta do Quetzal
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