Current Exhibition

Through the Eyes of the Makers

12/10/2024 - 30/03/2025

Gonçalo Barreiros, Margarida Bolsa, Carla Cabanas, Carpe Diem Multiples, Sofia Castro, Fábio Colaço, José Pedro Croft, Fernão Cruz, João Cutileiro, Catarina Dias, Carlos Noronha Feio, Margarida Lagarto, Martîm, Daniel Mattar, Sara Mealha, Carlos Nogueira, Elizabeth Prentis, Jorge Queiroz, Luís Rocha, João Pedro Vale + Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, Wood and Harrison, Inês Zenha.

Through the Eyes of the Makers

Through the Eyes of the Makers is a collaboration born out of friendship, a conversation between the art installer and the artists.

The exhibition is assembled by Pedro Canoilas in dialogue with Aveline de Bruin.

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